we are doing the stainless guard rail of a SHOPPING MALL owned by a cyclist..photos soon... thanks so much to my readers and for the projects being awarded to my stainless shop. Thanks so much guys artist renditon of the shopping mall thats the Mall...rmrmetalfab to supply aluminum composite panels and stainless steel EVERYTHING atrium opening awaits stainless steel sample designed by rmrmetalfab owned by bisekletaguy approved sample was taken to the jobsite..designed by owner and bisekletaguy bisekletaguy to the owner "and how did you get my number sir" and so i ask "you are very lucky my dad wants this railing done by manila people but i saw your website and since you are a cyclist and common friend of my friend sunny pantua-he was with you in Baguio Fun ride... and he speaks so highly of you..i talked to my dad...asked him award everything to you." says the owner railing to be installed at site was prefabricated at rmrmetalfab..awaits finishing and installation at site. |